About Us
The mission of NARA NW is to provide education, physical and mental health services and substance abuse treatment that is culturally appropriate to American Indians, Alaska Natives and anyone in need.
Our purpose is to achieve the highest level of physical, mental and spiritual well being for American Indians and Alaska Native people.
Founded in 1970 in Portland, Oregon, the Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest, Inc. is an Indian- owned, Indian-operated, non-profit agency. Originally an outpatient substance abuse treatment center, NARA NW now operates a residential family treatment center, an outpatient treatment center, a child and family services center, a primary health care clinic, several adult mental health locations, a wellness center, and transitional housing for Native women and children. All services are centered on the family as it is NARA NW’s philosophy that, without the family circle there will be no future.
Traditional Indian culture and spirituality have always been an integral part of NARA NW’s services. In recognition of our service to American Indian and Alaska Natives, NARA NW has been honored with a sacred pipe, a totem pole, sacred fire circle, and a drum. The pipe and drum continue to be used in our sacred ceremonies; the totem pole stands at the entrance of our residential facility. It is our philosophy to honor and support the emotional, physical, spiritual and mental health of our Indian people.